I got the below error while attempting to run a project in Eclipse using Tomcat 7.0 server.

“Starting Tomcat v7.0 server at localhost has encountered a problem.
port 8080 required by Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost is already in use.The server may already be running in another process or a system process may be using the port. To start the server you will need to stop the process or change the port Number(s).
Below is the error screenshot.

I tried to stop the process and it worked. Below are the steps which worked for me. Hope it will help you too.

Step1: Open the command prompt as Adminstrator.

Step2: In cmd enter the below command.

netstat -ano | findstr 8080

Step 2 : In above snapshot you can see that the task 3624 is showing which need to kill. For you the task id may be different. So we need to kill the process using below command.

taskkill /F /pid 3624

After running the command you will get success message as The process with PID xxxx has been terminated.
Now you can run server in eclipse. It will work fine.

Thank you! Happy Blogging!