In this post we will write a program that reads a line and print its statistics like:
Number of Lowercase Letters
Number of Uppercase Letters
Number of Alphabets
Number of digits
So let’s write the program
line = input("Enter a string/line/sentence: ")
lowercharcount = uppercharcount = 0
alphacount = digitcount = 0
for a in line:
if a.islower():
lowercharcount += 1
elif a.isupper():
uppercharcount += 1
elif a.isdigit():
digitcount += 1
if a.isalpha():
alphacount += 1
print("Number of Lowercase letters :",lowercharcount)
print("Number of Uppercase letters :",uppercharcount)
print("Number of Digits :", digitcount)
print("Number of Alphabets :", alphacount)
In the above output,you can see the line is Hello. It’s 4pm and it’s giving the statistics as how many lowercase/uppercase characters in the input line and also how many digit/alphabet the line contain.
I hope you will like this post. Happy Blogging!!